when you show up for yourself, the life you want shows up for you

welcome back to you

Taking time out to reset and connect is one of the most powerful practices, in combination with Breathwork and Holy Fire Reiki miraculous results occur.

Breathwork and Reiki have transformed me and my life, they have empowered me and have provided me with a profound sense of trust, calm and clarity. Before I came across these modalities I was endlessly tired, overwhelmed, anxious, scared and constantly trying to control situations and outcomes. I was empty, depleted, and depressed. These practices have been so healing for me that I am now inspired to share these practices with you and others.

I am excited to share these incredible modalities with you

What is Reiki ?

Pronounced (ray-key)

The word reiki is of Japanese origin, its translation to English is “universal life force energy”, or the energy of pure unconditional love.

A natural and safe healing modality that works purely with energy.

It is used in hospitals around the world as it speeds up recovery time and assists in the healing process.

It has been proven to dramatically reduce anxiety and depression.

It releases tension and stress in the body and mind.

It can be used for anything and helps with all issues mental, physical and emotional.

It is incredibly intelligent and gives you exactly what you need in the moment you receive it, the experience is custom to you and your needs at the time you receive it.

It harmonizes, balances, purifies and cleanses the body, emotional body and energy centers in the body (known as chakras).

It works on an individual physically, mentally, spiritually and emotionally all at once.

It relaxes the recipient in a way that helps them re-set and align with the energy of the universe.

All the recipient has to do to receive the healing is to agree to the healing and to lay down.

It can be done virtually or in person and are both extremely impactful.

The best way to understand how incredible reiki is is to experience it.

What is Breathwork?

An active 3 part breath.

It is an inhale in to the belly, then chest and an exhale done consistently for a specific amount of time. Generally 30 minutes.

The consistent breathing and pattern of breath opens your heart space and gets you out of the constant thinking mind and in to your body.

The over oxygenation helps move you through stuck energy in the physical and mental bodies.

It helps you move past limiting beliefs, worry and fear as it connects you to your true spirit and life force energy.

It releases and pain and tension.

It calms your nervous system.

It is boost’s your immune system.

It aids in digestion.

It provides mental clarity.

It inspires creativity.

It helps you connect more fully with your spirit and universal life force energy.

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